Saturday, 3 April 2010

Is giving up easier for most people?

Everyone have their dreams. Some unfulfilled, some still chasing after it, while some achieved it after much hard work. As for me, I'm still chasing after my rainbow.

When things started to get a little better, there's always someone who try to pop the bubbles out from your head. Someone who you wish that she will understand, and she will always be on your side. But that little harmless needle can actually hurts. It's like a heavy glass globe crashing into little pieces against the cold hard floor.

I have been freelancing for over a year, and I always know that my family doesn't approved of the idea. It appears to them that, a stable income is always much better. Not to say freelancing, they never even approved of me working in the media industry from the start. "Why are you so stupid? Why don't you just get a normal job? Can't you just do things like customer service? Why do you still want to work when the pay is so little? A full-time job is still better..."

What I actually need from them are words of encouragement, asking me not to give up easily, especially when there's so much time and hard work spent. I just can't give up yet. Not now, not this year at least, not till I tried my best. >:O!!!


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